changing the world through music

Our environment is suffering from a lot of pollutants, overuse and overly deforesting around the globe. Every day we hear about additional fears of scientists, media and politicians, who paint a picture of a decimated environment if we don't make significant changes in our collective behavior with respect to our earth.

At We Are One Planet, we decided to take bold steps to counteract the negative effects of commercial development and overuse of the resources by planting and maintaining trees. We know that each tree can produce enough oxygen to supply the breathing needs of several people, while removing a similar amount of CO2 from the environment. So for us to make a significant impact, we set a  goal of planting 1 million trees over our first 3 years of the efforts.  With this success, we have set new goals of 10 million trees over the next seven years. We are planting trees throughout the Pacific Northwest, California and Nevada.

We are also moving forward to conduct ocean and waterways cleanups. The majority of fresh oxygen in our environment is produced by blue green algae found in our oceans. To facilitate the oxygen production there, we are cleaning up debris and pollution in the Pacific ocean and rebuilding coral reefs where the algae form and thrive. Using modern technologies to quickly grown and rebuild these corals, we are able to greatly impact this vital part of our ecosystem.

Partnering with many service clubs and organizations to ensue a greater reach of our efforts had proven to allow us to see the results of each effort in a real and quantitative way. Are we arrange cleanups we find more and more people and groups are willing to participate if given good leadership and direction for these efforts.

We have also partnered with new Crypto NFT company Fresh Air to raise funds and awareness of the needs and what we can effectively do about the issues. By focusing on sales of NFT environmental art tied to a utility that supports and maintains groves of living trees for generations, we are setting up a sustainable methodology that can produce clean air for our future. Follow Fresh Air on Twitter @FreshAirCoin . Watch for new NFT art and art with utilities sales at auction on Open Seas and other platforms in 2022.

For more information on our environmental initiatives please contact us via email at and

The Initiative