changing the world through music

We are starting off our 2025 national series of live concerts in Las Vegas. We are working with local junior high and high school students and gathering local artists and choirs to join us. We will publicize via local media including radio, TV, newspapers, and Billboards, as well as through social media online. Tickets will be sold at a nominal fee to ensure a good turnout. We are working with choirs in rehearsal to build a professional presentation, which will serve as the concert’s finale. We will bring National Recording Artists who will perform with the local choirs and contribute to the students’ rehearsal/performance experience. The students will be able to participate in such events as rehearsal, voice coaching, press conference and interviews, photo shoot and the concert. The event will feature a multimedia presentation with video clips assisting in telling the story of our mission to promote unity between races and all people.

 Profits from the live concert will contribute toward bringing concerts and experiences to the students as well as to some local charities and an endowment to give scholarships for continuing education to deserving students. The scholarships will be toward college, local music lessons, vocational training and other worthy ways to continue the education these kids can use and can inspire. 

We are enlisting the help of local service clubs and organizations as well as local commercial sponsors to help bring the program to town. We are look for monetary sponsorship and also gifts in kind (hotels, meals, transportation, entertainment etc.).

We will tape the experience from rehearsals to performance to air on local and National television (PBS and public stations). After editing, we will present the program as a 60 minute TV Special to air on Public TV stations at a National and local level across the USA.

WELL what do ya know.... we brought our message of UNITY to the USA First home.... The White House! We performed on the lawn to make a powerful statement that we stand together with all people to love, support and encourage each other now.

Artists from all over the USA came to participate. It was an inspiring event!

We took over the SENATE!

We held a private reception for the US SENATE and WE ARE ONE. By doing this, we established in the minds of many how important and vital this mission is!

July 29th

New York Concert

May 20th

In the Las Vegas Concert we intend to raise funds to benefit We Are One Concerts, Inc, The Las Vegas programs of The Salvation Army, Southern Nevada University and several selected individuals through scholarships.


September 4th

Launching NEW concerts

In Las Vegas  2025

And many other cities across The USA

It was an amazing time performing in the Brooklyn UNITY DAY parade! There were 3 MILLION (yes, really!) who came and sang with us over 12 miles of parade. WOW! We LOVE Brooklyn!!!

Outdoor concert at Times Square!

Brooklyn Unity Day Parade